24 for 24: Incisive Health’s 24 Prospective Parliamentary Candidates to watch on health in 2024

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From championing particular diseases to exposing system shortfalls, every parliament sees MPs who make the political weather on health. With the largest turnover of MPs since 2010 expected, the UK General Election in 2024 will see the arrival of many new personalities.  

Now's the time to get ahead of the game and think about how to cut through to the parliamentary health advocates of tomorrow. In order to help you do that, check out our list of our top 24 potential members of the class of ’24, from across the country, who will likely shape the debate on health and care in years to come.

View here.

If you have any questions for the Incisive Health team, or would like advice or support, please do get in touch via info@incisivehealth.com.